Yes, although RGB images are preferable as with the modern printers that we and our partners use, RGB is a much better colour space to use. This is because our printers have more than just CMYK in their ink set, so allows a much wider colour gamut and better colour reproduction (CMYK is only really still used in standard commercial print). If you do choose to upload CMYK images to your image library, we’ll automatically convert them for you.
When you upload a CMYK image to your image library, we store it in its original CMYK format.
When you select the image for use in fulfilling an order, we automatically convert it to RGB for you. Your newly converted RGB image will be displayed in all thumbnail images during the ordering and product configuration processes in the dashboard. You can also view your converted image in the image editor.
The conversion process will match CMYK colours to the closest possible RGB equivalents. However, because the colour spectrums of these two image types differ, there may be some subtle variations. RGB images offer a wider colour range, so when you convert a CMYK image to RGB, some colours may appear more vibrant than before.
You can preview your image in RGB by checking the image thumbnails on the manual order form, through the image editor or via our sales channel integrations during the product configuration process.